[…] about what I could possibly be doing for over an hour in the morning, I wrote all about it in my “Morning Routine That Changed My Life” […]

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In today’s post, I am going to be sharing my miracle morning routine that has completely changed my life and made mornings something for me to look forward to.
Crazy, I know.
Alright, so a bit of a backstory on my previous morning routines. During workdays, I used to wake up around 5:30am, get ready in record time, and be out of the house by 6:10 at the latest.
The morning routine I used to have was to wake up, brush my teeth and wash my face, get changed, put on makeup, and most mornings, get Starbucks on the way to work.
This was the morning routine I had for years. I didn’t think there was anything wrong with it… until I stumbled upon the book The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod which teaches all about the miracle morning routine.
I’ve become slightly obsessed with personal development books, and this book seemed like it was right up my alley.
The Miracle Morning is all about a few select steps that, if taken by you each morning, can transform your life and set your day up for success before 8:00am. The author claims to have changed the lives of millions of people, so I figured I’d try it as well. My miracle morning routine is a little bit different than in the book, but some of the steps are the same.
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This may seem extreme, but instead of waking up around 30 minutes before I need to be out of the house, I have added a whole hour on top of that.
Yes, I now have an hour and 30 minutes to get ready.
The reason why is because that’s how long it takes me to go through my morning routine.
If you think that’s nuts, don’t worry. So did I, until I tried it out for myself.
It’s not to say that I do a million things in the morning and need that much time, but simply because I now do things much slower and actually enjoy my mornings.
I found that the longer it takes my body to wake up, the more relaxed I am throughout the day.
You guys, hurried stress is a THING.
You can certainly have a shorter morning routine than this, however, after testing a few differently timed routines, this one was the best fit for me.
How To Wake Up Early
As soon as my alarm rings, I get out of bed and head to the bathroom. The snooze button is the devil, and if I hit snooze, it will take me that much longer to wake up. So I don’t snooze anymore.
If you are looking for a jolt-free alarm to wake you up in the morning, consider getting a sunrise alarm clock! This type of alarm clock is going to wake you up slower, giving your body a more natural way of waking up.
After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I then grab my reusable water bottle and drink water. When we wake up from a night’s sleep, our bodies are super dehydrated. Drink your water in the morning, guys. You know it’s important.
Not only does water taste amazing first thing in the morning, but it is also proven that drinking water when we first wake up helps wake us. Score.
10 Healthy Morning Habits
I never used to drink coffee at home in the mornings. I “didn’t have time”. Now, I have time to make it and wait for it to cool down before I can drink it.
While I wait for my coffee to cool, I open up by 5-Minute Journal and write things I’m grateful for, set an intention for the day, and read from a list of affirmations I have written down.
You might be thinking, “This is ridiculous, and I don’t have time for this”. A few months ago I would have agreed with you. I also thought it was useless and a waste of time.
What I have learned since then, though, is that the way you start your day is probably how your day will flow.
Whenever I repeat affirmations in the morning and write what I’m grateful for, I am immediately put in a great mood and my days are just… better. Taking that time in the mornings to work on my mindset has been one of the best things I’ve done in a long time.
I also listen to a guided meditation during this time, which is something I’d never done before in my life.
I’m still a bit rusty with meditation, so if you have any tips for me on how to become better at it, I’d love to hear about it in the comments!
There’s a reason this is in quotation marks, haha.
I don’t do cardio or weightlifting in the morning, or anything else that’s as extreme.
My workout consists of stretching, a few yoga poses, and maybe a plank or situps. Basically, I do whatever I’m in the mood for that morning that will just wake me up more. Because that’s what movement does. It helps our bodies fully wake up.
If you like to run a few miles in the morning or hit the gym, more power to you. I like to stick with my lazy-girl workouts.
I used to listen to music in the mornings before. I LOVE music, and still listen to it constantly, but not in the mornings. My mornings have become all about mindset and I absolutely love it.
I mainly listen to motivating podcasts or ones by female entrepreneurs. Here is a list of some of the podcasts I listen to. I wrote this post ages ago and have since subscribed to a lot more podcasts, some of which you can find in this post right here.
If I’m not listening to a podcast, I’m listening to an audiobook. Right now I am listening to The Woman in Me by Britney Spears.
Hal Elrod recommends reading in the morning. I must say, reading in the morning when you’re alert is such a different experience to reading in the evening before bed. While I love falling asleep to a good book, reading in the morning is something I’ve been enjoying lately.
How much I read depends on how I’m feeling about reading that particular day. Some days I read a blog post I find useful, other times I read a couple pages from a motivational book. It just depends.
6 Books To Read For Personal Development
This step is not in The Morning Miracle book, but it’s one I made up on my own.
Remember how I said that most mornings I would get Starbucks on the way to work? That is now not a regular occurrence.
Because I have more time now, I can actually make good, nutritious food at home without having to spend $10 for a sandwich. I’m fueling my body AND my bank account, and it feels awesome.
I then double-check that I have everything I need for the day, and make my way out!
So there you have it! My own miracle morning routine literally changed my life.
I also want to point out that as “perfect” as this seems in writing, some days I just don’t feel like doing all this. Or any of it, for that matter. I’m human, so sometimes I oversleep and have to rush a bit, and I definitely don’t do this at the weekends.
miracle morning morning routine personal development productivity
Hi! I'm Mariam, your go-to guide for navigating life’s twists and turns. I write posts to help women create their dream lives. Think of me as a supportive friend cheering you on to become your best self. My goal is to inspire confidence and celebrate your unique journey. Join me as we embrace our strengths and enjoy the adventure of self-discovery together!
[…] about what I could possibly be doing for over an hour in the morning, I wrote all about it in my “Morning Routine That Changed My Life” […]
[…] of a few months ago, I have started a new life-changing morning routine which includes […]
[…] If you are new to journaling and don’t really get the hype, I know how you feel. I used to think it was a bit of a waste of time until I incorporated journaling into my miracle morning routine which you can read about here. […]
What an amazing routine! It’s great that it’s working, too. I’m aiming for something similar eventually – I now always make nourishing food in the morning and take my time to enjoy myself, but I need to get better at actually waking up (especially in the winter, as I’m on medication then that really affects my ability to not oversleep). I’d love to incorporate yoga and meditation into my morning routine so that’s my next step, and I may take your advice on reading as well!
It really does take practice waking up early, but I think most people’s bodies get used to waking up early eventually. I didn’t even think about the winter! I wonder how my body will react to waking up that early in the cold.
Loved reading this blog post! I know I should wake up earlier but I suck at it. But time to sort that shit out as I’d love to do yoga every morning and do some journalling! The only thing I nail on this list is drinking lots of water in the morning, that, regardless of where I am, happens. This post has just given me another kick up the arse to get myself into gear – thank you for sharing! x
Drinking water first thing in the morning is huge! I bet you feel great afterwards 🙂
Wow it sounds like you have a super positive morning routine! I’d love to do yoga in the mornings, I might start by getting up just 10-15 minutes earlier and adding that into my routine! I already have my morning drink – tea instead of coffee for me & I don’t think I could go without that! I need to remember to drink more water in the morning too xx
Thank you! I’m sure you will feel amazing doing early morning yoga 🙂
Very cool list, and sounds great. But with two kids to get out the door, time is always a bit tight in the mornings in my house 😛 Thanks for sharing <3
Ahh I can only imagine how hectic your mornings must be! I hope you can find some quiet time for you 🙂
I totally feel you on this routine! My routine is very similar, I get up extra early, drink water, have a cup of tea or coffee, light exercises and self-love affirmations. However, I never thought to read or journal, certainly adding this to my routine. I truly believe that the way you start your morning, sets the tone of your day, so it’s great to make the most of it. Great post!!
Natonya | https://justnatonya.wordpress.com
I love your morning routine and agree with you 100%! Mornings really have a way of setting the tone for the rest of the day.
Wow, this is an impressive morning routine. I never feel like I have enough time in the morning for mine, and getting up an hour earlier(!) would definitely help with that. I’ll always start off with some light stretches and a glass of warm water.
Trust me, it took time to get up a whole hour earlier than I was used to! I think you’ll love it once you get used to it. 😉
I used to listen to podcasts and watch positive motivational videos every morning and it always inspired me. I really need to get back to that and that is what this blog post reminded me of. I need to get it together with my morning routines cause I won’t lie, I’ve been slacking.
I bet that felt amazing! I find that it’s super motivating consuming some kind of positive content first thing in the morning. I’m sure you will have an amazing morning routine soon, it just takes time to get used to change. 🙂
I really love the idea of waking up early and taking time to enjoy my morning. I always rush it and never take the time to slow down and smell the roses so to speak!
I know exactly what you mean because I was the same way! Thank you for stopping by. 🙂
I love my morning routine but as I work from home, I don’t technically NEED to get up early. So the latest I get up is 8:15, which is when my boyfriend gets up for work. But I’m really trying to get up earlier lately as I LOVE the morning so much! I find it such a peaceful time and it’s usually the only time of the day where I can get some time to myself too x
8:15 is still pretty good for somebody who works from home! A lot of people I know who work from home wake up super late.
Ugh I can’t bare to wake up late makes me feel absolute rubbish!
Ah, this is such a useful post before I head back to university! Always struggled for my morning classes and waking up. Will definitely be giving this a go, thank you for the post!
Best of luck! I’m sure you’re going to love it once you get used to it. 🙂
I don’t know if this time of year is the best time for me to try this with the shorter days and colder temperatures coming in, but I’m going to try and ease myself into a routine like this because I currently only spend 30 minutes getting ready in the morning and I want to take more time for me!
Do you find that you feel tired earlier in the evening as a result of an earlier morning?
I’m a naturally early sleeper, so I’m in bed at 10 regardless of when I wake up. I find that staying hydrated during the day and eating foods that aren’t hard to digest keep me energized throughout the day and I don’t feel tired until it’s time to go to bed!
I love this and I completely agree that waking up early is amazing, and sets the tone for the whole day. It’s so hard because I have a love/hate relationship with the snooze button, but when I get up and start my day with positivity, my day is amazing. Great read!
Oh the snooze button and I definitely don’t always get along, either haha! It’s a work in progress for sure! Thank you so much for stopping by! 🙂
Great routine. I am retired but get up at 5 …love mornings! I drink tea and think about whatever. I also drink 20 oz of iced water. May add journaling. Yoga???At 243 lbs….I don’t think so. Lol!
I find it so hard to wake up early, but whenever I do I always thank myself for it as I have a much more productive day. These tips are great! Definitely something I’ll be taking on board x
I feel the same way! It’s always a more productive day when I decide to get up earlier.
These are amazing tips. I need to start drinking water first thing. My go to first thing after i brush my teeth is usually caffeine 🤣
Ah yes, nothing better than that morning cup of coffee! 😍
Great post! I always find it difficult to wake up early, but every time I do, I feel more energetic and motivated through out the day. I should definitely wake up earlier more! 🙂
Thanks for sharing these ideas, I myself try to incorporate some of these into my mornings bit it’s hard!
It definitely takes practice but you can do it! 💪🏼
I’m so excited to go through this book. Thank you for this list. I can’t wait until morning 😂
Haha, I hope it went well!
I just had to re-organize my mornings with back to school so I completely get having a good routine that you can stand by and keep every morning! I am so happy that I am not the only one with coffee on my morning routine to do’s.
I honestly don’t think I’d be able to function without morning coffee 🤣
My entire day seems to go better when I wake up early and actually have time to get ready. Since having my baby a few months ago, everything got all out of whack! Now, I hit the snooze button more than I care to mention and our mornings are so chaotic! I am going to take your advice and start turning things around!
Aw congratulations on your baby! 😍
That sounds like an amazing morning routine! It’s nice waking up and getting a nice routing going. I enjoy waking up early, it makes for a more productive day!
– Kristen
I completely agree with you!
What a great routine! I really feel more accomplished on days I wake up at 6 instead of 7, even though I just use that time to mess around on the internet haha. I also do the lazy girl workout, but at night before bed.
Haha hey, whatever wakes you up, right? I looove lazy girl workouts!
I’m trying to build this habit of waking up early right now, I totally agree with you, when you wake up waaay earlier the mornings go smoothly without having to rush out the door and you actually get to enjoy it.
Great post! I am an early riser, but hate getting up early. I’ll need to incorporate this routine into my own to try and get the best out of my mornings.
Getting up is honestly the hardest part for me! Once I get out of bed, I’m okay.
I do some of these things, but have never been able to wake early.
It definitely takes a lot of practice!
I absolutely love Miracle mornings! It’s one of my favourite books to date. They’re such amazing inspiration and wisdom behind getting up early in the morning and tackling your day. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it.
I completely agree with you! The Miracle Morning taught me so much and gave me a ton of inspiration! Thank you for stopping by. 🙂
I am not a morning person at all. I like some of these ideas. I like the morning affirmations. I do a gratitude journal at end of day and read that at night. I should also do some stretching and I drink water in the morning until lunch where I have my first diet coke. I will try to implement a few. thanks for post!
This is actually really similar to the morning routine I’ve been trying to incorporate. Meditation, manifesting, gratitude, affirmations and setting intentions have really changed the way I see mornings. I used to dread having to get up early, now I do it out of choice as I see each day as a new opportunity. This is a really brilliant post and there are a few steps I’ll be incorporating into my own mornings!
Beth x Adventure & Anxiety
I absolutely love this! I think that it’s hard to wake up early in the morning if you hate what you once you wake up.
This was an awesome read… mainly because this is already my routine. What a big confidence boost for myself that other people think of it as a “miracle” morning.
If I have learnt anything over the years, it’s that my mornings matter for my mental health. Who can tell me that they really feel good when they wake up 15 minutes before having to run out the door and get to work?
Give yourself that time in the morning to move, think, and become what you would like to be for the day; positive.
I absolutely love everything you said about mornings being important for mental health! I completely agree, which is why I like to wake up earlier than I necessarily need to.
I love this! I have a very similar morning routine that I try and do. What are you using for your guided meditations?
Hi Alicia! I just look up guided meditations on YouTube. I’ve been loving The Honest Guys channel lately. 🙂
This was a great read and has really inspired me! Going to start to implement a morning routine using yours as a guide and hopefully it will make me more energised and productive throughout the day!
Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m glad this was helpful!
I am an early morning wake up girl by need and not by love. Just like you mentioned, I need to catch the early bus, my workplace is 2 hours away from my hometown. I used to feel down, but I used to have a black coffee, take a couple of jogs around my house, and set off. On the bus, I make sure to listen to something inspirational – as that kind of boosts my mind. You seem to have written – what I was going through!
Wow this sounds like a great routine but that extra hour earlier in the morning does sound a little scary aha!
It is at first but you’d be surprised at how quickly the body gets used to it!
As an high school English teacher, I am really trying to change my morning routine. This is a great post that I am going to start trying today!
Best of luck!
Very useful tips! I’ve been lacking so much motivation lately and honestly, reading your blog helped give me a few tips and things to look forward to. So thank you for sharing 🙂
When I started a morning routine it completely changed my days. Once you start on you are starting on your own terms and it feels amazing! Thanks for sharing your routine!
Joyce Meyer is very insightful and practical on life and spiritual things ..if you interested check it out.
I’m going to add to my cuppa in the morning 3 of your suggestions with gratitude, intentions 4 day and read a list of affirmations.
Great option thank you 4 sharing.
This is an amazing routine, I follow pretty much the same way as I am an early riser. I like my mornings to be slow and I have ample amount of time for myself and getting things ready for the day.
What a wonderful article
I wish I can follow it, since I have 3 girls to awake fro school
Good job my dear 👍🏻
So this is so amazing I’ve been leaving my life anyhow and I had no idea people somewhere, somehow live their lives like this, I’m inspired and I think I’m starting my morning routine too. So excited!
I am a night owl and I am struggling with that my whole life.I don’ t function during the day and I allways have trouble with that.Tryed to change it,but it doesn’t work.
I have to say this… it works. Hi, I’m also a teacher and I have a very early morning start. I’ve been doing this for one week, and oh my god, I feel so much happier, more energized, and all in all, more positive and elevated. I used to be so frustrated when I had no time after school for self-care, thinking UGH I had NO time to read my book this week! Now, journaling, reading, listening to my books/podcasts, and even tidying up the house a little before I go has done wonders!
Great! Thanks for sharing your life changing thoughts and ideas.
I enjoyed reading this post. I do exactly the same since 1 year ago and it trutly change your life. It’s a great habit to start up your day with positive intentions
I know this is an old post but all these tips are timeless. Still works great in 2023 and later. Thank you for the positivity!
Hello Mariam,
I trust you are well. I have come across your experience you have been sharing about your morning routine, which I found absolutely amazing. It’s been ages I am trying to figure out a regular morning routine, however even I woke up early, i’m always in a rush for work. I hope i will be able to have it set soon with your experience and tips you’ve shared..
Nice one darling