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7 Bad Morning Habits You Need To Ditch For A Good Day
Mornings are the perfect opportunity to get organized, start your day off on a good note, and ditch any bad morning habits you might have.
By consciously choosing good habits over bad ones in the morning, you can really help yourself get ahead of everything you need to get done and you can do so in a relaxed manner. Because really, what’s worse than running around like a crazy person first thing in the morning?
In this post, I am sharing 7 bad morning habits that are ruining your day. Do yourself a favor and stop doing them. You’ll thank yourself for it later!

Hitting Snooze
This is probably the worst thing you can do in the mornings. Although snoozing might feel good in the moment, you are only setting yourself up for a groggy rest of your day. Broken up sleep isn’t all that good for us, so you should ideally get up right when your alarm rings.
If you’re someone who has trouble waking up without snoozing at least 3 times, you might want to train yourself to sleep a little earlier.
Not only does this give you more shut-eye time, but you will also not be so dependent on that darn snooze button.
How To Wake Up Early
Reading The News
There’s hardly any good news making headlines, so why start your day with negativity and a reminder of what’s horrible in the world? The way you start your mornings is crucial to setting the mood for the day, so choose positivity and laughter instead.
A good way to do this is by replacing reading the news with writing down what you’re grateful for, listening to a podcast, meditating, or. repeating affirmations. You’ll feel a whole lot better, trust me.
Not Having A Routine
Morning routines work really well to keep you organized and on time for everything. Once you develop a routine that works for you, you will really see a huge difference in your mood and productivity throughout the day.
It doesn’t have to be a elaborate morning routine either. All you need is a few same steps you will do every day in the same order. The reason why doing them in the same order is important is because this will help you not forget any step, and you will always know how long the routine will take you.
This Morning Routine Changed My Life
10 Healthy Habits To Add To Your Mornings
Waking Up At Random Hours
Not having a set sleep schedule, especially during the work week, can really mess with your day. Have you noticed that when you oversleep or go to bed later than usual, you’re almost always groggy and feel like you need multiple naps to make it through the day?
Yep, that’s what happens when you steer away from your sleep schedule.
The good thing is that it’s pretty easy to train your body to go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day. You might feel strange the first couple of days, but later on when your body adjusts to the timings, you won’t even need an alarm to wake you up.
Getting right to work
A really bad morning habit is getting straight to work when you wake up. Most of us are already overworked. We really don’t need to have work be the first thing we see every morning.
The emails and messages from your boss can wait until you’ve taken the time to pour into your cup first. Nothing is ever that important to get to first thing in the morning.
Not Using Sunscreen
A quick skincare routine is amazing for keeping your skin glowy and healthy. Along with your skincare products, you need a good sunscreen. This goes for everybody, no matter the complexion!
The sun is really harmful for the skin, and it’s really easy to help prevent sun damage with a simple sunscreen every morning. Make sure to put it on every day, rain or shine, even if you’re indoors all day! The sun comes through our windows, so you should put on your sunscreen regardless of whether you’re staying home or going out.
This oil-free sunscreen is a great option!
Not Drinking Water
If you’ve not been drinking water every morning as soon as you wake up, start doing this now. Your body is very dehydrated after a whole night of sleeping, so make sure to hydrate first thing.
Make it a habit to drink water before you drink your morning coffee, as it’s important to hydrate before you caffeinate. Using a reusable water bottle has helped me drink a lot more water than I used to, so I definitely recommend getting one and using it to drink your water.
The way you start your day can make or break your flow for the rest of the day. By ditching the bad morning habits mentioned above, you can ensure a smooth start to your day which will help you get grounded and closer to your goals every day.
10 Toxic Habits You Need To Ditch
Sunday Habits For An Organized Week
Productive Night Routine Ideas You Need To Try
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Dropping the news had a profoundly positive effect on my morning routine. Rocking advice here.